When Eric Clapton dropped his unplugged record, I cried.
When Nirvana did an unplugged album, I cried.
When Jay-Z made his song cry, I cried.
Basically, anything acoustic that shows up on MTV at three in the morning makes me want to have a bowl of cheerios, a good cry and a cigarette. If Larry King, ?uestlove, and Shakira did a rendition of baby I love your ways, I would probably weep in my milk and call in to his show to tell him how great it was. That's how powerful this unplugged shit is.
Now, when I hear the Beatles did an unplugged version of the White Album before the they even started the studio version, I go to costco and pick up some Kleenex. This is seriously incredible. Now all we need is Grey Album unplugged to stomp the skull of an already dead art: Single track performance.
Beatles - White Album Unplugged - Circles 3.1 megsBeatles - White Album Unplugged - Not Guilty 4.4 megsBeatles - White Album Unplugged - Julia 5.1 megsBeatles - White Album Unplugged - Blackbird 3.5 megs