Hey, I know mp3blogs are all about posting music, but I think I have something a little more useful and less egotistical than a page full of music that I enjoy. I have two OiNK invites for anyone who can do a couple contributions. Interesting trades considered ;-) Could be nasty pictures of your girlfriend. Could be a copy of David O. Russells "Soldiers Pay". Hell, it could be even be some incense. To inquire, pop something in comments or send me an email.
i don't think offering music to people is egotistical. of course, leave it to you to say something like that...
assuming that someone cares about your taste in music is somewhat egotystical. it doesn't stop me from participating though. it's just something i considered when i realized that my blog isn't very jounalistic, it's more editorial.
FAS seems to be more of a public service because it caters to a group of people who like a certain type of music and prefer to get it as soon as it's available.
my site's focus is purely on what i'm enjoying at the moment.
i didn't reference your blog in my post nor do i think you need to be offended by a comment which is critisizing only one blog: my own.
not offended. i just think perhaps you're looking at it the wrong way. while offering up your own music is sort of self aggrandizing, it's worth it to connect with people who have the same taste perhaps, or offers those who don't the opportunity to be exposed to music they normally wouldn't.
hey there
thanks for the link
am interested in the oink invites but need a bit more info. maybe you could email me?
Too True,
I would also be very interested if you get any more oink invites. Please email me for a trade at waykool @ gmail.com
Still have those invites? I have standby tickets anywhere AA flies.
Does anyone have an oink invite they can spare? I have 25gb of music to add to the scene and been trying to get an invite for a couple months now with no luck. I also have 15gb on dvd and will mail it to you for an invite....let me know. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Email : yorkcourt858@yahoo.com
Hi, Still got any Oink invites? I'd be very grateful if I could have one. I used to have an account, but it got "disabled due to inactiviy" whilst I went abroad for a few months. I used to keep a really good ratio, and I'll upload more than I'll download.
email: kourosh.newmanzand@gmail.com
Hi, I'd love an Oink invite if you have any to spare. I have an excellent ratio on other torrent sites. Cheers
email: cyberdrummer@gmail.com
Yeah me also, if anyone has any invites spare please could they send me one. Oink sounds amazing and I have a lot of music of my own to share too.
email: jordanburgess@gmail.com
Ditto, if possible. Ta.
email: peachey.ben@googlemail.com
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