Can you help Elmo find him?

Futurism Ain't Shit has decided to post a small feature about being JOHNODAY. Be sure to bookmark his site as well as my own for future developments as they happen.
Here's another picture of times best forgotten, that were in fact, all but forgotten.
Doing a cartwheel off a ledge doesn't do a skater justice. He's got to keep himself in check as well as othters. I'm sure that's the excuse he uses.

here's some cocoa butter for your sore vagina, you insecure nematoad.
was that a 50/50 highwater backsalad?
interesting maneuver.
i got your Ragu. look for it.
clever. keep trying to ollie, captain contradiction!
you want me to edit the post or something?
this reminds me that i need to fix my headlight and pay off a speeding ticket, buy some gas, then maybe i'll grab a new skateboard.
edit your life.
*just kidding*
wanted to see how long the passive aggressive blogger animosity could continue. much love my blogger/blunt bretheren.
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